Thursday, April 21, 2016

"Days of Future Passed"

The few fossil remains of our species brief time on the Earth.

If you were a far, far future archeologist. A descendant of rats probably. These are some of the mysterious artifacts you might find in the strata of 150 million years ago. The works of Humanity.

The items are a late 21st century android. (Click on image to see details.) A mid-20th century radio. Also a computer hard drive, and an audio cassette from roughly the same era.

Note that these fragments are of Human making, and are not to be confused with relics of the very short lived Cetacean technological culture.

If you look carefully below at the last image you'll make out two 150 million year old fossilized spark plugs. They sit in the shallow beach wash of a sea in what was Tibet. The discolorations in the water are possible petroleum traces.

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